Our Work

We build and explore new technology through the lens of library principles.


Research at LIL is structured around a variety of modes and outcomes, though it all ultimately serves our goal of fusing the library world with new technologies.

Some of our research is explicitly tied to our ongoing tentpole projects, while other explorations may become larger projects down the line.


Tools are the heart of the Library Innovation Lab. We build things. Our platforms each have their own user base and long-term goals.


Perma.cc is a web preservation and citation tool that is changing the way lawyers, scholars, journalists, and the public preserve and cite to the web.

Caselaw Access Project
Caselaw Access Project

The Caselaw Access Project is an online database of over 6 million U.S. court opinions, the bulk of which were scanned from Harvard’s centuries-old collection of court reporters.

H2O Open Casebook
H2O Open Casebook

H2O Open Casebook is a platform for legal educators who want to find or create open, customizable casebooks for free.

Past Projects

At the Library Innovation Lab we are also in pursuit of understanding exploration as a practice.

While not exhaustive, these are projects we have worked on, tinkered with, and ultimately sunsetted for various reasons.

The Nuremberg Project

The Nuremberg Project is digitizing our collection of materials from the Nuremberg trials. The Nuremberg Project, Learn More


High-fidelity capture of Twitter threads as sealed PDFs. Thread-Keeper, Learn More

Time Capsule Encryption

Time Capsule Encryption provides tools for time travel. Time Capsule Encryption, Learn More


Collects stories from people about the things that would hurt for them to lose. Recollected, Learn More


Alterspace gives library visitors control over light, color, sound, and space. Alterspace, Learn More

Web Archive Comparison Tools

Compares multiple archives of a single webpage. Web Archive Comparison Tools, Learn More


Crowdsourced fair use predictions. CanIFairUse.It, Learn More

Awesome Box

Awesome Box helps libraries tag and share the books their patrons love. Awesome Box, Learn More

Stack Life

StackLife is visual navigation for the Harvard Library System. Stack Life, Learn More

Library Cloud

LibraryCloud is infrastructure for sharing what libraries know. Library Cloud, Learn More


Haystacks is a tool for visualizing data about the Harvard Library collection. Haystacks, Learn More

Summer 2016 Fellows Program

Twelve weeks at Harvard Law School's Library. Summer 2016 Fellows Program, Learn More

Library License

Library License is an experimental initiative designed to keep books available to readers even after they have ceased to be commercially viable. Library License, Learn More

Where the Wild Books Are

An exploration of how students engage with the library collection, inside and outside the library building. Where the Wild Books Are, Learn More


A collaborative digital community bulletin board. Time/Slice, Learn More

Library Test Kitchen

An academic collaboration with metaLab and the GSD to explore the future of libraries. Library Test Kitchen, Learn More

Check Out the Checkouts

An interactive visualization of library checkout data from all of Harvard's libraries.


Build and share digital shelves of books, movies, albums and most anything on the web.

DPLA Bookshelf

DPLA Bookshelf is an easy way to search DPLA’s collections.